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时间:2023-12-05 14:57:42




Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols.

My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us.

It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us.

I think this is important for a good teacher.








Hello, Dear teachers and fellow students. It is my honor to be here on this beautiful Friday morning to share with you my view on “Me- time”. In my opinion,finding me-time is important. With the development of the modern society, we students in China have more and more pressure. We have to spare every minute to study very hard and join various kinds of out-of-class training courses to improve ourselves. So we are really in lack of me-time which is helpful to keep ourselves from being over-stressed、tired and worried.

I do not have as much fun as before and I always miss my childhood. Three hours of homework and two piano lessons one day make me have hardly any me-time to relax myself. I was once an active basketball player on my school team. But now, basketball, my best friend, I haven’t touched it for almost two months. Me- time seems to have become a luxury.

Last week, when I heard there was going to be a basketball match between our school and No 1 Middle School, I was so excited that I rushed home and told my parents the news. I asked my father, “ Dad, may I play basketball after school ? The coach says I am the best guard in our school. If I join the school basketball team, we are sure to beat No 1 Middle School this time.” My father showed his dispproval and said, “ Of course you can’t . I’m disappointed at you. Why do you have such a silly idea? Don’t forget to work hard on your schoolwork and piano lessons.” In my parents’ points of view, playing basketball is a waste of time.

As far as I’m concerned, the ……此处隐藏2305个字……ought together became enemies in the end. quiet a few of the emperors in ancient china even killed those who had helped them found their dynasties. the taiping heavenly kingdom would not have failed if it hadn't been for the contending and massacring among the those who first rose in rebellion at the beginning of the uprising. what else we need to pay attention to is that some friends, after being away from each other for too long a time, have lost so much of their original characters that when meeting again, you will feel that you are still the same as you were, while they are no longer themselves. they may have the same feeling about you, so sometimes it's better not to meet each other again. as the chinese proverb goes “friendship can not last for three years and flowers can not stay in blossom for three months”.it's not so easy to maintain real friendship which needs mutual understanding, tolerance and sacrifice. any kinds of harsh treatment will damage friendship.

amatory love has been a mystery for ages. there's neither a criterion to judge nor a common rule to follow. nobody can tell the exact reasons why love emerges. it is not always because of beauty (the ugly doorkeeper quasimodo in the hunchback of notre dame is loved by the beautiful gypsy girl esmeralda),nor kindness (hitler also has his mistress),nor wisdom ( even the blockhead may sometimes marry a beautiful girl),nor strength (some love starts from sympathy).true love is like getting an electric shock, shaking our soul. it is a sweet dream, a kind of intoxication, indulgence, and endless passion.

true love doesn't need a long time to grow up, to make clear the family tree of the other, neither does it needs the time to look ahead and behind again and again. love is not marriage, which usually starts from love, but doesn't always depend on love to maintain. long-lasting marriage can eventually turn into a kind of family love, a kind of companionship which preserves the companion but loses the passion. love is often an wink of the eye, or a smile that hints mutual understanding. in spite of the great distance between them, people may fall in love incidentally. hence the saying “a distant marriage is tied up with a mysterious thread”. love needs passion, and it can stand bumps and stumbles, ups and downs, complaints and blames. when it turns into a pool of water, especially dead water, without any billows or waves, it's time for it to die.








